My research focuses on the application of brain stimulation techniques especially Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in basic science e.g., in combination with electrophysiological measures as well as a treatment option for neuro-psychiatric diseases such as tinnitus. Over the course of my academic career I contributed to 40 scientific publications in the field of brain stimulation and/ tinnitus and gave several science talks at international conferences.
Selected Publications
Schoisswohl, S., Basso, L., Simoes, J., Engelke, M., Langguth, B., Mazurek, B., Lopez-Escamez, J. A., Kikidis, D., Cima, R., Bernal-Robledano, A., Boecking, B., Bulla, J., Cederroth, C. R., Denys, S., Escalera-Balsera, A., Gallego-Martinez, A., Gallus, S., Hidalgo-Lopez, L., Jarach, C. M., … Schlee, W. (2024). Single versus Combination Treatment in Tinnitus: An International, Multicentre, Parallel-arm, Superiority, Randomised Controlled Trial (p. 2024.01.09.24300978). medRxiv.
Schoisswohl, S., Kanig, C., Osnabruegge, M., Agboada, D., Langguth, B., Rethwilm, R., Hebel, T., Abdelnaim, M. A., Mack, W., Seiberl, W., Kuder, M., & Schecklmann, M. (2024). Monitoring changes in TMS-evoked EEG and EMG activity during 1 Hz rTMS of the healthy motor cortex. eNeuro, ENEURO.0309-23.2024.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., Weber, F. C., Abdelnaim, M. A., Hebel, T., Mack, W., & Schecklmann, M. (2023). One way or another: Treatment effects of 1 Hz rTMS using different current directions in a small sample of tinnitus patients. Neuroscience Letters, 797, 137026.
Prei, K., Kanig, C., Osnabrügge, M., Langguth, B., Mack, W., Abdelnaim, M., Schecklmann, M., & Schoisswohl, S. (2023). Limited evidence for reliability of low and high frequency rTMS over the motor cortex. Brain Research, 148534.
Osnabruegge, M., Kanig, C., Schwitzgebel, F., Litschel, K., Seiberl, W., Mack, W., Schecklmann, M., & Schoisswohl, S. (2023). On the reliability of motor evoked potentials in hand muscles of healthy adults: A systematic review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., Hebel, T., Vielsmeier, V., Abdelnaim, M. A., & Schecklmann, M. (2022). Personalization of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Subjective Tinnitus. Brain Sciences, 12(2), Article 2.
Schoisswohl, S., Schecklmann, M., Langguth, B., Schlee, W., & Neff, P. (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of residual inhibition in tinnitus: Hints for trait-like EEG power spectra. Clinical Neurophysiology, 132(7), 1694–1707.
Full Publication List (H-Index 10)
Schoisswohl, S., Kanig, C., Osnabruegge, M., Agboada, D., Langguth, B., Rethwilm, R., Hebel, T., Abdelnaim, M. A., Mack, W., Seiberl, W., Kuder, M., & Schecklmann, M. (2024). Monitoring changes in TMS-evoked EEG and EMG activity during 1 Hz rTMS of the healthy motor cortex. eNeuro, ENEURO.0309-23.2024.
Osnabruegge, M., Kanig, C., Schoisswohl, S., Litschel, K., Mack, W., Schecklmann, M., Langguth, B., & Schwitzgebel, F. (2024). Variability of pulse width in transcranial magnetic stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering, 21(2), 026035.
Schoisswohl, S., Basso, L., Simoes, J., Engelke, M., Langguth, B., Mazurek, B., Lopez-Escamez, J. A., Kikidis, D., Cima, R., Bernal-Robledano, A., Boecking, B., Bulla, J., Cederroth, C. R., Denys, S., Escalera-Balsera, A., Gallego-Martinez, A., Gallus, S., Hidalgo-Lopez, L., Jarach, C. M., … Schlee, W. (2024). Single versus Combination Treatment in Tinnitus: An International, Multicentre, Parallel-arm, Superiority, Randomised Controlled Trial (p. 2024.01.09.24300978). medRxiv.
Hebel, T., Schecklmann, M., Abdelnaim, M. A., Weber, F. C., Langguth, B., & Schoisswohl, S. (2024). Left prefrontal intermittent theta burst stimulation ameliorates tinnitus distress and symptoms of depression – A feasibility study. Neuroscience Letters, 137726.
Ruhland, S., Poeppl, T. B., Schoisswohl, S., Schwitzgebel, F., Osnabrügge, M., Kanig, C., Langguth, B., & Schecklmann, M. (2024). Motor-evoked potentials as biomarkers for sexual arousal? The Journal of Sexual Medicine, qdae122.
Jarach, C. M., Karydou, K., Trochidis, I., Bernal-Robledano, A., van den Brandt, P. A., Cima, R., Cederroth, C. R., Lopez-Escamez, J. A., Ghislandi, S., Hall, D. A., Kikidis, D., Langguth, B., Lugo, A., Mazurek, B., Odone, A., Schecklmann, M., Schoisswohl, S., Simoes, J., Schlee, W., & Gallus, S. (2024). The out-of-pocket expenses of people with tinnitus in Europe. Journal of Epidemiology, advpub.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., Weber, F. C., Abdelnaim, M. A., Hebel, T., & Schecklmann, M. (2023). Activate & fire: A feasibility study in combining acoustic stimulation and continuous theta burst stimulation in chronic tinnitus. BMC Neurology, 23(1), 14.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., Weber, F. C., Abdelnaim, M. A., Hebel, T., Mack, W., & Schecklmann, M. (2023). One way or another: Treatment effects of 1 Hz rTMS using different current directions in a small sample of tinnitus patients. Neuroscience Letters, 797, 137026.
Agboada, D., Osnabruegge, M., Rethwilm, R., Kanig, C., Schwitzgebel, F., Mack, W., Schecklmann, M., Seiberl, W. & Schoisswohl, S. (accepted). Semi-automated hotspot search (SAMHS): A framework towards an optimised approach for hotspot identification. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience - Brain Imaging and Stimulation.
Bernal-Robledano, A., Perez-Carpena, P., Kikidis, D., Mazurek, B., Schoisswohl, S., Staudinger, S., Langguth, B., Schlee, W., & Lopez-Escamez, J. A. (2023). Cognitive screening and hearing assessment in patients with chronic tinnitus. Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology.
Prei, K., Kanig, C., Osnabrügge, M., Langguth, B., Mack, W., Abdelnaim, M., Schecklmann, M., & Schoisswohl, S. (2023). Limited evidence for reliability of low and high frequency rTMS over the motor cortex. Brain Research, 148534.
Osnabruegge, M., Kanig, C., Schwitzgebel, F., Litschel, K., Seiberl, W., Mack, W., Schecklmann, M., & Schoisswohl, S. (2023). On the reliability of motor evoked potentials in hand muscles of healthy adults: A systematic review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17.
Kanig, C., Osnabruegge, M., Schwitzgebel, F., Litschel, K., Seiberl, W., Mack, W., Schoisswohl,
S. & Schecklmann, M. (2023). Retest-Reliability of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation over the Healthy Human Motor Cortex: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17.
Abdelnaim, M. A., Lang-Hambauer, V., Hebel, T., Schoisswohl, S., Schecklmann, M., Deuter,
D., Schlaier, J. & Langguth, B. (2023). Deep Brain Stimulation for treatment resistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: an observational study with ten patients under real-life conditions. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14.
Schecklmann, M., Weber, F. C., Lehner, A., Langguth, B., & Schoisswohl, S. (2023). Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Chronic Tinnitus in a German Tertiary Clinical Real-World Setting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6), Article 6.
Engelke, M., Simões, J., Vogel, C., Schoisswohl, S., Schecklmann, M., Wölflick, S., Pryss, R., Probst, T., Langguth, B., & Schlee, W. (2023). Pilot study of a smartphone-based tinnitus therapy using structured counseling and sound therapy: A multiple-baseline design with ecological momentary assessment. PLOS Digital Health, 2(1), e0000183.
Simoes, J. P., Schoisswohl, S., Schlee, W., Basso, L., Bernal-Robledano, A., Boecking, B., Cima, R., Denys, S., Engelke, M., Escalera-Balsera, A., Gallego-Martinez, A., Gallus, S., Kikidis, D., López-Escámez, J. A., Marcrum, S. C., Markatos, N., Martin-Lagos, J., Martinez-Martinez, M., Mazurek, B., … Langguth, B. (2023). The statistical analysis plan for the unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients randomized clinical trial (UNITI-RCT). Trials, 24(1), 472.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., Hebel, T., Vielsmeier, V., Abdelnaim, M. A., & Schecklmann, M. (2022). Personalization of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Subjective Tinnitus. Brain Sciences, 12(2), Article 2.
Hebel, T., Langguth, B., Schecklmann, M., Schoisswohl, S., Staudinger, S., Schiller, A., Ustohal, L., Sverak, T., Horky, M., Kasparek, T., Skront, T., Hyza, M., Poeppl, T. B., Riester, M. L., Schwemmer, L., Zimmermann, S., & Sakreida, K. (2022). Rationale and study design of a trial to assess rTMS add-on value for the amelioration of negative symptoms of schizophrenia (RADOVAN). Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 100891.
Schlee, W., Neff, P., Simoes, J., Langguth, B., Schoisswohl, S., Steinberger, H., Norman, M., Spiliopoulou, M., Schobel, J., Hannemann, R., & Pryss, R. (2022). Smartphone-Guided Educational Counseling and Self-Help for Chronic Tinnitus. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(7), Article 7.
Shekhawat, G. S., Schonell, S., Schoisswohl, S., Biswas, R., Schiller, A., & Schlee, W. (2022). European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus (ESIT): A global research training initiative. International Journal for Students as Partners, 6(1), 11.
Weber, F. C., Schlee, W., Langguth, B., Schecklmann, M., Schoisswohl, S., Wetter, T. C., & Simões, J. (2022). Low Sleep Satisfaction Is Related to High Disease Burden in Tinnitus. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), Article 17.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., Gebel, N., Poeppl, T. B., Kreuzer, P. M., & Schecklmann, M. (2021). Electrophysiological evaluation of high and low-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation over the auditory cortex. In Progress in Brain Research (Vol. 263, pp. 95–108). Elsevier.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., Hebel, T., Abdelnaim, M. A., Volberg, G., & Schecklmann, M. (2021). Heading for Personalized rTMS in Tinnitus: Reliability of Individualized Stimulation Protocols in Behavioral and Electrophysiological Responses. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11(6), Article 6.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., Schecklmann, M., Bernal-Robledano, A., Boecking, B., Cederroth, C. R., Chalanouli, D., Cima, R., Denys, S., Dettling-Papargyris, J., Escalera-Balsera, A., Espinosa-Sanchez, J. M., Gallego-Martinez, A., Giannopoulou, E., Hidalgo-Lopez, L., Hummel, M., Kikidis, D., Koller, M., Lopez-Escamez, J. A., … Schlee, W. (2021). Unification of Treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus Patients (UNITI): A study protocol for a multi-center randomized clinical trial. Trials, 22(1), 875.
Schoisswohl, S., Schecklmann, M., Langguth, B., Schlee, W., & Neff, P. (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of residual inhibition in tinnitus: Hints for trait-like EEG power spectra. Clinical Neurophysiology, 132(7), 1694–1707.
Neff, P. K. A., Schoisswohl, S., Simoes, J., Staudinger, S., Langguth, B., Schecklmann, M., & Schlee, W. (2021). Prolonged tinnitus suppression after short-term acoustic stimulation. In Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier.
Hafner, A., Schoisswohl, S., Simoes, J., Schlee, W., Schecklmann, M., Langguth, B., & Neff, P. (2021). Impact of personality on acoustic tinnitus suppression and emotional reaction to stimuli sounds. In Progress in Brain Research (Vol. 260, pp. 187–203). Elsevier.
Schlee, W., Schoisswohl, S., Staudinger, S., Schiller, A., Lehner, A., Langguth, B., Schecklmann, M., Simoes, J., Neff, P., Marcrum, S. C., Spiliopoulou, M., Niemann, U., Schleicher, M., Unnikrishnan, V., Puga, C., Mulansky, L., Pryss, R., Vogel, C., Allgaier, J., … Kikidis, D. (2021). Towards a unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients: The EU research and innovation action UNITI. Progress in Brain Research, 260, 441–451.
Biswas, R., Schiller, A., Casolani, C., Daoud, E., Dode, A., Genitsaridi, E., Jacquemin, L., Liyanage, N., Lourenco, M., Makani, P., Parameshwarappa, V., Riha, C., Santacruz, J. L., Shabbir, M., Simoes, J., Trpchevska, N., & Schoisswohl, S. (2021). Doctoral Studies as part of an Innovative Training Network (ITN): Early Stage Researcher (ESR) experiences Open Res Europe 2021, 1:34.
Allgaier, J., Neff, P., Schlee, W., Schoisswohl, S., & Pryss, R. (2021). Deep Learning End-to-End Approach for the Prediction of Tinnitus based on EEG Data*. 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine Biology Society (EMBC), 816–819.
Hebel, T., Göllnitz, A., Schoisswohl, S., Weber, F. C., Abdelnaim, M., Wetter, T. C., Rupprecht, R., Langguth, B., & Schecklmann, M. (2021). A direct comparison of neuronavigated and non-neuronavigated intermittent theta burst stimulation in the treatment of depression. Brain Stimulation, 14(2), 335–343.
Simoes, J. P., Daoud, E., Shabbir, M., Amanat, S., Assouly, K., Biswas, R., Casolani, C., Dode, A., Enzler, F., Jacquemin, L., Joergensen, M., Kok, T., Liyange, N., Lourenco, M., Makani, P., Mehdi, M., Ramadhani, A., Riha, C., Santacruz, J. L., … Genitsaridi, E. (2021). Multidisciplinary Tinnitus Research: Challenges and Future Directions from the Perspective of Early Stage Researchers. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13.
Schoisswohl, S., Langguth, B., & Schecklmann, M. (2020). Short-Term Tinnitus Suppression With Electric-Field Guided rTMS for Individualizing rTMS Treatment: A Technical Feasibility Report. Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 86.
Schlee, W., Hølleland, S., Bulla, J., Simoes, J., Neff, P., Schoisswohl, S., Woelflick, S., Schecklmann, M., Schiller, A., Staudinger, S., Probst, T., & Langguth, B. (2020). The Effect of Environmental Stressors on Tinnitus: A Prospective Longitudinal Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(9), Article 9.
Schoisswohl, S., Agrawal, K., Simoes, J., Neff, P., Schlee, W., Langguth, B., & Schecklmann, M. (2019). RTMS parameters in tinnitus trials: A systematic review. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1–11.
Schoisswohl, S., Arnds, J., Schecklmann, M., Langguth, B., Schlee, W., & Neff, P. (2019). Amplitude Modulated Noise for Tinnitus Suppression in Tonal and Noise-Like Tinnitus. Audiology and Neurotology, 24(6), 309–321.
Genitsaridi, E., Partyka, M., Gallus, S., Lopez-Escamez, J. A., Schecklmann, M., Mielczarek, M., Trpchevska, N., Santacruz, J. L., Schoisswohl, S., Riha, C., Lourenco, M., Biswas, R., Liyanage, N., Cederroth, C. R., Perez-Carpena, P., Devos, J., Fuller, T., Edvall, N. K., Hellberg, M. P., … Hall, D. A. (2019). Standardised profiling for tinnitus research: The European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research Screening Questionnaire (ESIT-SQ). Hearing Research, 377, 353–359.
Simoes, J., Neff, P., Schoisswohl, S., Bulla, J., Schecklmann, M., Harrison, S., Vesala, M., Langguth, B., & Schlee, W. (2019). Toward Personalized Tinnitus Treatment: An Exploratory Study Based on Internet Crowdsensing. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 157.
Spencer, S., Sereda, M., Schoisswohl, S., Olszewski, J., Mielczarek, M. (2019). COMPARISON OF INVASIVE VERSUS NON-INVASIVE ELECTRICAL EAR STIMULATION IN TINNITUS SUPPRESSION: LITERATURE REVIEW. Journal of Hearing Science, 9(3), 9-23.
Other publications
„Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts UNITI“ in the Tinnitus-Forum Magazine 2-2024 of the German Tinnitus Patient Organisation, the Swiss Tinnitus League, the Austrian Tinnitus League and the Hören foundation.
Report for „ENT & Audiology News“ about the 12th Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference in Taipeh, Taiwan, tinnitus-research-initiative-conference
Report for “TinnitusHub” about the Symposium for Cortical Networks/ Neuroplasticity/ Imaging Studies at the 12th Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference in Taipeh, Taiwan, tri2019/